Rick's studio. Honestly, one of the best places in the world. Any one who got the chance to hang out with him in any of the many studios he had over the course of his life time was a lucky soul. Some studios had peanut shells all over the floor. Some had multiple hammocks hanging. Cats, birds. Actually, you could name almost anything and at one point he probably had it in his studio! If this sounds like chaos, it wasn't. Rick had a way of organizing and cleaning up after painting that was part of his creative process. His brushed were well loved and well taken care of. As much as his free spirit took him to places most of us can't imagine opening our minds to, he always managed to keep his studio organized. He also loved to give stuff away. His many finds or artifacts or art would often disappear or rotate in and out of his studio as he saw fit to give away or loan things to friends and strangers. We are happy that there are little pieces of Rick spread around the world. Giving was one of his finest traits. He gave away his art, his love and sometimes his advise. We were all lucky to have known him and if you didn't know him in person we hope this site makes you fall in love with him.